Of Mess & Moxie
In this highly anticipated book, beloved author Jen Hatmaker parlays her own triumphs and tragedies into a sigh of relief for all normal, fierce women everywhere. Whether it’s the time she drove to the wrong city for a fourth-grade field trip (“ Why are we in San Antonio? ”) or the way she learned to forgive (God was super clear: Pray for this person every day, which was the meanest thing He ever said to me. I was furious.), she offers a reminder to those of us who sometimes hide in the car eating crackers that we do have the moxie to get back up and get back out. After all, this race is not a contest—there is enough abundance to go around—and
you are not in competition with your peers
your seat at the table is secure, and
you have indelible gifts to offer.
Each of us can choose to live undaunted “in the moment” no matter what the moments hold, and we really can lead vibrant, courageous, grace-filled lives.