It’s Not Always Hearts Flowers and Frappuccinos

......or is it? 

Have you ever seen “Pretty Woman”?.... I’m thinking that is a pretty dumb question, however, there is an entire generation of people out there that have only heard of Kevin Costner because of Yellowstone! if you exist out there, young one, RUN don’t walk to your Netflix account and watch Pretty Woman NOW....and then you can thank me later., do you remember the part where she says, “the bad stuff is easier to believe”? How TRUE is that statement!? I mean WOW. How often do we dwell on the bad stuff? Well, today I came across this post by Amy Weatherly and she said it so well......if you have time, please read:

I know life throws us curve balls....or at least it does me on a daily basis it seems. But I’ve always been taught that happiness is a choice....and I am reminded today to listen to the right voices, and to ALWAYS ALWAYS remember WHOSE you are a child of the Most High King and He made you intentionally with a purpose and you are LOVED!

I am excited to read our newest book at the shop “chasing the bright side”! I think this is going to be a great book that speaks to this subject! ....and as far as the hearts, flowers and Frappuccinos.....we can take care of that 😉

Kendra Scott Sophee Heart necklace and earrings, Floral Kimono and gourmet coffee and mugs are all available on our website!!


Koti Lindsey

Koti Lindsey is the second-generation owner of Vickie’s Gifts in Roscoe. She was heavily involved in the business from its opening in 1998. When her mother, Vickie Haynes, was ready to retire, she purchased the business from her in May 2014. In her 10 years as the owner of Vickie’s Gifts, Koti has won awards for her creative displays and has been recognized in publications such as Texas Monthly Magazine, Gifts and Decorative Accessories Magazine, Gift Beat, and Museums and More Magazines not only for her unique displays in store but for her efforts on social media and community involvement as well. She has done features on local news and Texas talk shows for publishing her cookbook, education, and gift-giving. Koti is married to Cole Lindsey and is the proud mother of five children. Koti’s love for the Lord is at the center of all that she does. She strives to create an experience at Vickie’s Gifts that is about more than shopping!